Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dead Teeth!

Just finished reading an article in a favorite holistic magazine. What has garnered my attention? An article about oral health; particularly--root canals and the use of antibiotics. The use of root canals, (something I feel very strongly about) contributes to many of the sinus problems we've dealt with here.

What's interesting...is the tremendous amount of health "miasms" we deal with that are often resultant of poor oral health! Whether it starts from cracked amalgams (fillings), and fractured teeth-to root canals (dead-teeth). These "oral" problems often preclude many types of re-occuring health problems!

There has always been something quite strange, about leaving 'dead teeth' in your body! When other body parts are diseased or dead--they are removed. In the case of root canals...the tooth is traumatized (by the actions of drilling out the "root" and filling it in with a sealant where the nerve used to be located.) Then left for dead in your mouth!

After a root canal, the root filling shrinks a tiny bit. This creates a leakage that allows microscopic bacteria to migrate. Bacteria are highly adaptable and can mutate to fit almost any condition--with or without oxygen. In the process, "good" bacteria can become pathogenic (bad) and produce potent toxins!

Normally, a strong immune system may be able to fight off systemic damage, but if you are immune-compromised, the toxins from "dead-teeth"...along with the metals in your mouth (or cavitations), find their way into the blood stream, migrating to other organs and tissues--initiating a chronic illness.

The reason why antibiotics are needed is because it has been proven, bacteria that live in the mouth can easily enter the blood stream and travel to the heart and joints where they frequently cause endocarditis and many other infections!

Many dentists do not realize that antibiotics cannot reach bacteria in "dead teeth". With a root canal, the "dead-tooth" lacks a blood supply to its interior. Antibiotics circulating in the blood stream, have no way to penetrate this dead tissue and hence have no effect on the bacteria contained therein.

(Unfortunately--standard dentisrty still has a disconnect between what happens in our mouth...and our overall health!)

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