Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Unintended Cosequence

Our governing houses (senate & representatives) try to "bully" one another into submitting to their point of view. Makes my brain hurt trying to keep up with who said what, when. 

Do I care? Yes. Do I want to filter my way through all of the rhetoric? No. So, I'll focus on something else...human nature.

You've seen the insurance commercial--you know the one--showing human inability (or should it be accountability?) when it comes to good decision making. You see a gentleman on a ladder-chainsaw in hand, cutting a branch on a tree (I am assuming in his yard) In the process in trimming his tree, the branch falls onto the top of the next door neighbor's car--the car is pretty much annihilated.

Now, if you stop to think about the analogy between this commercial, and our current state of government (or lack there of)'ll understand where I'm going with my train of thought. Had the gentleman in this commercial, taken the time to look where the branch might fall BEFORE trimming--he would've saved himself (and his neighbor) a tremendous amount of money & headache! Should I say, "unintended consequences".

Back to our wonderful leaders. 

Do you honestly think that by playing this Affordable Healthcare chess-match, that there wouldn't be "unintended consequences?" 

Kind of like cutting the limb off the tree, with no real fore-sight as to where that branch might fall.  

Left-brain says: stop the Affordable Health Care Act.  Right-brain says: "Go take a long walk off of a short pier! We're not taking anything less than an all-or-nothing bill!" I say "At who/what expense?"

Yosemite National Park. The Rim Fire devastated this area between August 2013--September 2013. The Northern part of Yosemite National Park (and many of the surrounding communities) were closed for quite sometime. This affected not just the lodging, restaurants, & gas stations outside of the park--but, the facilities inside Yosemite as well. Tourism in the park was cut by half (or more)--because most people figured the entire park was closed...many tourists just didn't bother going.

October 2013: Yosemite is required to inform it's guests, they will have 48 hours to vacate the park--due to lack of governmental funding. Why is the park closing? Currently, legislators are unable (unwilling) to reach across the political aisle and work out the issues. 

Yosemite took a financial blow due to the Rim Fire this year. Yosemite, (and it's surrounding support communities) will yet once again, take a tourism blow--this time, not due to arson, but the current legislative disagreements. 

Unintended Consequences?

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