Thursday, January 24, 2013

Social Media

...where do to start?

Twitter: Started this business account (in 2009), thinking it would be a viable way to post up-coming sales & promotions, monthly blood screenings & our web-site updates. Has worked out pretty well for the most part.

Linked-In: The social-media for professional...what??? A "go-to" place, to see and network with other professionals for??? Is it a group of people looking for their next job--or a soap-box about some issue? (Isn't this true for MOST media?) Not too sure WHAT is suppose to be happening here. I guess I'll figure it out sometime!

Blogspot: Really like this forum--just don't always have the time to sit & type what seems important for the moment!

Pinterest: people really care to see what interests me? Does posting a picture really give you insight about someone? They say "A picture is worth a thousand words!" I guess there's some truth in that phrase. What do YOU see from what I post? Perhaps that I NEED a vacation?

Facebook: Okay...drag me kicking and screaming into this social media!!! This place is and can be a NIGHTMARE! Why? The never ending "privacy-issues!" Privacy changes--check your setting regularly! Changes come often enough they make your head swim!  We have a business "page"--working towards making it educational & professional.

Most of the 20 & 30 somethings--have NO CLUE that the things they post, can--and often DO come back around to bite them in the behind!!! Why do I say this? I am an employer. I see the kind of stupid things you do & post to your accounts (and the disgraceful language you use!!!)--sometimes airing ALL your laundry in a public forum!

Do I, as an employer--have the right to request the passwords to YOUR social-media accounts? Employers ARE doing this--until the courts put legislation into place to prevent it! 

We run profiles--we search the social-media sights. Don't want prospective employers to SEE the stupid things you do or say? DON'T POST IT!!! You NEVER know when your current employment (or your personal life) may take a left-turn--who'll be checking you out!    

There seems to be a certain amount of (perceived) anonymity within social-media. Some users feel that it's acceptable to say and do things in the privacy of one's home or office--not fully realizing that there may be severe repercussions!  

Do you fall into this category? 

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