Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nine Eleven

Nine Eleven...

...seems weird to write it out--no numbers--just letters.

The images of that day still, indelibly etched into my brain. Even now...many of the images and sounds, shake me to my very core. I weep openly. I try not to relive the events of that day too often...I find it's too easy to become consumed by the loss.

I've asked myself, "why" after all these years, does it still have such a profound effect on me?

The horrendous distortion of energy--the crying out for the grace of the Divine!
Think about that for a moment...

...those of us that do "energy" work, were forever changed by what happened that day!

If I were there at that moment--in those towers...would I have jumped out of broken windows, in some futile attempt to save my life? What WOULD I have done? Would I have possibly grabbed someones hand, in those final seconds...not wanting to die alone--begging for the grace of the Divine to take me?

Nine Eleven forever shocked the world!

I started working on our business plan, not more than six months after Nine Eleven. It was a struggle to stay open that first year; the United States economy (contrary to popular belief) wasn't moving forward very quickly. The reality of what had transpired the year before, was setting in--images of that day, still so painfully vivid!

We were determined that "they" weren't going to win!

And so... we are--at yet another anniversary of Nine Eleven; the eighth one I believe.
We're still here! Not that it hasn't been painful! As a nation, we pulled together during that time...(It's amazing what you can do when you're determined!)

I still ask myself the same questions I did on that day...

On this eighth anniversary of Nine Eleven..."What would you have done, if you were there on that day?"